Jeanette Lewis

I have been teaching yoga since 2007, moving into my 16 th year of teaching. My first true yoga love has been teaching alignment and form in the Hot 26 series. I owned 2 studios in Albuquerque, New Mexico for almost a decade, and have continued to teach in the Hill Country after moving to New Braunfels in 2015. My teaching style is always evolving with a focus on honoring the healing benefits of the Bikram sequence while also allowing space for change and spontaneity. I have been a part of a number of teacher trainings and I also run my own Teacher Training and workshops. After spine surgery in November of 2020, I am back in the room to heal and help others heal while learning patience through the exploration of our own limits each day.

Moving back to Texas has been a wonderful adventure. It was just a few years ago, okay, maybe more than a few (over 20), that I received my MBA from TCU on a violin scholarship. Yoga was not even on my radar as a career. But a year after my daughter was born, I found this crazy yoga. This practice helped me to find “Me” again when I was a new mom. This yoga healed me and brought sanity to many insane challenges in my life. I want that for everyone. It is such an awesome experience getting to practice with my husband and also to teach him (Who doesn’t like to boss around their loved ones!). Since moving to Texas, I have been able to step outside of my Bikram box as well. Branching out and teaching hatha, yin, and flow outside of the 26 postures, always with an alignment focus of course. I am no rock star yoga champion, and I may not be able to bend backward until my hands touch the floor…but I can help you to learn how to move correctly into and out of postures. We might even have a little fun doing it! And now that I am relearning what my body can do after surgery, it gives me an entirely new perspective on modifications and my ability to help those with back problems and other chronic pain. As one of my teachers always said “Pain is a precious gift”. The one most valuable lesson I have learned is that we are each our own best teacher.  It was new and exciting to teach yoga styles outside of the style I spent a decade in.  Honestly though, it helped me fall in love with the Hot 26 style even more and brought me back to my roots.  My focus is and has always been to help people improve their health, lessen chronic aches and pains, and to prevent injury.  And over these last few years, healing from surgery and injury has become at the forefront of my teaching.

Correct alignment and form through dialogue commands are great strengths of mine.  When we speak to the bodies of our students it can help them safely through the journey of each posture.  Learn to be comfortable getting uncomfortable.  Making each student I teach feel welcome and most important safe within the space is my ultimate goal.  

See you on the mat!

Off The Mat: If I am not “Professoring” at Texas State, or hopping on a plane to go see my daughter (my reason for being) at Georgetown University in D.C., then you will find me at home hanging out with my amazing husband of 25 years and our 4 adorable doggies. I absolutely love dogs and would rescue even more if I could. Someday I will have a ranch full of rescue Chihuahuas ! I love to organize and reorganize and declutter and especially enjoy nesting in my beautiful home. If I could make a living cuddling with my dogs and creating peaceful spaces to just be that is where you would find me 24/7.